We help researchers define market strategies for their technologies and look for potential partners and / or interested entities.
We identify, protect and transfer the results of applied research carried out by the UANDES researchers.
We seek to establish a relationship between science, industry and the government, in order to foster innovation while meeting the needs of our society.
Technology Incorporation Process
If a researcher is interested in adding a new technology to the Portfolio, the following steps should be taken. First of all, the researcher must present the Invention Disclosure to the Innovation Department, which is an official Univertisty document in which the invention is thoroughly described.
This document is revised by the Intellectual Property Chief, who meets with the researcher to ensure the the form has the correct information. Once this is done, the TTO team analyzes, using defined criteria, the invention’ technological and commercial potential.
Once the analysis is complete, a committee composed of members of the Innovation Department and the Faculty to which the researcher belongs, approves or endorses the result of the analysis.
If the invention has technological and commercial potential, it is incorporated in the Portfolio and becomes eligible to receive the services offered by the TTO.
Otherwise, it is considered an applied sciences project, only receiving services according the that status.
Silvana Becerra
Subdirectora Desarrollo Tecnológico y ComercializaciónEstablece y gestiona los procesos de desarrollo tecnológico que permitan (1) transferir tecnologías que impactan a la sociedad (2) aseguramiento de la calidad de los resultados de investigación y (3) la correcta utilización de los recursos asignados.
Technology Portfolio Upgrade Process
To update a technology in the UANDES Portfolio, the Innovation Department will announce the dates on which the update period will take place.
The technology being updated will be revised, and the lead researcher will be in charge of indicating any changes in the technology name or description, development level, research team and the industry.
When the process is complete, the technology is updated in the Portfolio.
Applied Research Platform
The Innovation Department’s Research Areas
The UANDES applied research platform is made up of 12 different labs in the fields of Health and Engineering. These, through their integrated and multi-interdisciplinary research, focus on the development of mainly eight types of product.