TTO Services

The Universidad de los Andes’ Technology Transfer Office (TTO) offers various services to new TTOs and those that are already established. We also offer services for researchers who focus on science-based innovation and are looking for advice on how to get their inventions to market. We have services for companies that are looking for investment opportunities and / or collaborations in their developments.

The services offered by the UANDES TTO are:

Training / Courses

Technology Transfer

Goal: understand and apply various concepts related to technology transfer.


  1. Introduction to the concept of innovation and its models: technology push / demand pull.
  2. Introduction to the concept of technology transfer.
  3. Description of the technology transfer process.
  4. Identifying key people in the technology transfer process.
  5. Description of the technology transfer mechanisms.
  6. Case study: analysis to identify the innovation strategy used and determine the optimal technology transfer strategy.

Portfolio Management

Goal: incorporation of tools for management of the technology portfolio, this being a strategic instrument that allows the University to position itself, prioritize technologies and evaluate, in a standardized way, their impact. 


  1. Define a technology portfolio with commercial potential.
  2. Selection of technologies.
  3. Description of technology assessment methods.
  4. Build a technology assessment method that can be used for ranking the technologies.
  5. Case study: prioritize technologies in a portfolio using the SBIT method.

Technology Valuation

Goal: Understand the different technology valuation methods and determine which factors affect its value.


  1. Introduction of the concept of technology valuation.
  2. Identification of factors that influence the final value of the technology.
  3. Introduction to the different technology valuation methods, identifying advantages and disadvantages.
  4. Case study: technology valuation using DCF.

Business Models

Goal: Understand and apply the Canvas model and understand the importance of market studies.


  1. Introduction of the concepts of a business model, market study and value proposition.
  2. Definition of the Canvas model elements.
  3. Identification of the main components of a market study.
  4. Definition of the target market segment for a technology.
  5. Case study: create a Canvas model for a selected technology.

NABC Model

Goal: Understand and apply the NABC model to pitch a project to investors.


  1. Identification of the elements of a good pitch.
  2. Definition of the components of the NABC model.
  3. Identification of important elements to consider in the Need slide.
  4. Identification of important elements to consider in the Approximation slide.
  5. Identification of important elements to consider in the Benefits slide.
  6. Identification of important elements to consider in the Competition slide.
  7. Case study: create a NABC pitch presentation for a technology and then present it.

Intellectual Property

Goal: Understand intellectual property strategies and important issues related to conflict of interest and technology transfer regulation.


  1. Identification of the main elements of the intellectual property strategy.
  2. Selection of an appropriate intellectual property strategy according to the technology’s characteristics.
  3. Identification of possible causes of conflicts of interest and how to avoid them.
  4. Identification of the main elements of the spin-offs. regulation.
  5. Case study: management of the intellectual property portfolio.

Technology Commercialization

Goal: understand the main elements to take into account in the commercialization strategy.


  1. Definition of the concept of knowledge commercialization.
  2. Identification of tools for measuring return on investment. 
  3. Definition of a commercial strategy.
  4. Presentation of main components of a commercial strategy.
  5. Identification of technology commercialization mechanisms.
  6. Case study: develop a commercial plan for a technology.

Advisory Services in

TTO creation: 5 year strategic and operational plan

The service delivered by the UANDES TTO is to develop a 5 year Strategic and Operational Plan, which inclues all the necessary areas for a successful technology transfer office.

Investment Committee

Advisory service in the creation and formation of a committee of investment specialists that will support and guide the development of technologies from a commercial point of view, with a focus on the market and long term decisions.

Technical Committee

Advisory service in the creation and formation of a technical committee specialized in the main areas of the TTO’s focus. They will support and guide the development of technologies from a technical point of view.

Networking and access to networks

Advisory service in the creation of a networking plan taking into account all possible stakeholders, from the academy and the industry, to enhance the work as a whole.

Tracking of technological development

Advisory service on how to accompany the researcher during the development of their work, establishing critical milestones and a work plan, so as to ensure the quality of the research and that it meets established international standards.

Publication of Intellectual Property, Conflicts of Interet and Spin-offs regulations

Guidance in the creation and drafting of the Intellectual Property policy, which encompass Intellectual Property regulations, what to do in the case of Conflicts of Interest and the creation of technology-based ventures.

Technology Valuation

We do technology valuations, covering from the market analysis, analysis of the competition and the technology itself to determine the value of the invention. This analysis is done using the discounted cash flow method (DFC).

Technological Due Diligence

We carry out the analysis of an invention, assessing its technical development, legal aspects, intellectual property and commercial rights, thus reviewing the scientific proposal.

Silvana Becerra

Subdirectora Desarrollo Tecnológico y Comercialización

Establece y gestiona los procesos de desarrollo tecnológico que permitan (1) transferir tecnologías que impactan a la sociedad (2) aseguramiento de la calidad de los resultados de investigación y (3) la correcta utilización de los recursos asignados.

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