Jorge Alberto Tricio Pesce

Director de Docencia

Títulos o grados académicos

• Ph.D. en Educación Superior en Salud, King´s College London, Inglaterra.

• Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice (PGCAP), King´s College London Learning Institute, Inglaterra.

• Magíster en Ciencias Dentales, mención en Implantología y Rehabilitación Oral (CONACEO), Universidad Católica de Lovaina, Bélgica.

• Cirujano Dentista, Universidad de Chile.


  • Profesor jornada completa.


  • Comparison of digitally assessed quality of posterior crown preparations performed with and without previous practice on patient-specific three-dimensional-printed teeth models

  • Dental students’ perceptions and educational impact of preclinical interactive videos compared and in combination with live demonstrations

  • The development of a reporting form for peer observation of online learning courses: An e-Delphi consensus study of educators working in health professions education

  • Common models and approaches for the clinical educator to plan effective feedback encounters

  • Contrasting student and staff perceptions of preclinical-to-clinical transition at a Chilean dental school

Proyectos de investigación

  • The impact of improving the preclinical to clinical training transition of dental students to facilitate and accelerate the development of their competencies to treat patients through an integrated deliberate practice protocol using emerging technologies

  • The Impact of Improving the Quality of Teaching and Learning in a Dental School through Constructive Alignment on Students􀀀 and Teachers􀀀 Academic Experiences