
You can find the documents and files of the research carried out by the Observatory in the Human Dynamics Laboratory (LDH) of the Universidad de los Andes, which includes collaboration with academics from the Centre for Transport Studies of University College London and from the Pedestrian Dynamics – Empiricism IAS-7: Civil Safety Research, Institute of Advanced Simulation (Forschungszentrum Jülich).

of the
and files
2020-on going
The impact of gap dimensions on passengers boarding and alighting using different mobility aids at railway stations by laboratory experimentsSummary
report of the
study (download in Spanish).
2019-on going researchDetPax – Density Detector on Subway Station Platforms.– Report of the study (download in Spanish).
– Video 1 at LDH (link).
– Video 2 at LDH (link).
2019-2020Model cyclists using vehicle following theory.Presentation of the study and Student’s
thesis (download in Spanish).
2019Exploring the effect of train design features on the boarding and alighting time by laboratory experiments.Publication of the study (download in Spanish).
2019Study of the yellow line at the train-platform interface of metro stations.– Presentation of the study (download in Spanish).
– Video at LDH (link).
– Other videos (link).
2019Modelling the distribution of passengers waiting to board the train at metro stationsPublication of the study (download in Spanish).
2018-2019Exploring the effect of boarding and alighting ratio on passengers’ behaviour at metro stations by laboratory experiments.Publication of the study (download).
2018How passenger density affects the boarding and alighting times of public transport. An experimental study.Video at LDH (link).
2014-2018Crowd management on metro station platforms.Publication of doctoral thesis (download)
2014-2015Laboratory experiences for the design of the vehicle platform interface in public transport stations.– Publication of the study (download in Spanish).
– Video 1 at LDH (link).
– Video 2 at LDH (link).
2014-2015Pedestrian traffic management in the boarding and alighting at metro stations.– Publication of the study (download in Spanish).
– News about the study (link).
2014-2015On passenger saturation flow at public transport doors.– Publication of the study (download in Spanish).
– News about the study (link).
2014-2015Pedestrian microsimulation of metro-bus interchangesPublication of the study (download in Spanish).
2014-2015Experimental study of the capacity of cycle lanes.– News about the study (link).
– Presentation of the study (download in Spanish).
– Publication of the study (download in Spanish).
– Video (link).