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Vicedecano Académico
Profesor asociado
• Doctor en Ingeniería Estructural, Universidad de California, San Diego, Estados Unidos.
• Magíster en Ingeniería Sísmica, Universidad de Chile.
• Ingeniero Civil mención Estructuras, Construcción, y Geotecnia, Universidad de Chile.
Facultades Asociadas
Asignaturas o cátedras que imparte
Analysis of fuel storage tanks under internal deflagrations with different venting technologies: an experimental and numerical study
Implementation of Bayesian Model Updating in Five-Story Building Using Different Observations
Linear system identification of the UC San Diego Geisel Library building under ambient vibration
Out-of-plane monotonic testing and fragility function development of screw and adhesive connections of steel-framed gypsum-board panels
A simplified tri-linear model for monolithic exterior shear keys failing in sliding shear
Chilean researchers create innovative monitoring system to predict damage to wind turbines
Science Villarrica Volcano, San Ramon Fault and seismic swarms: Do these phenomena have a common pattern?
Science Earthquake in Lonquimay is the worst in three years in Chile: what are the chances of a big earthquake?